- Child Safety: https://www.brotherhoodmutual.com/resources/child-safety/
- Is your ministry doing everything reasonably possible to ensure the safety of the children entrusted to your care? Today, it’s more important than ever for churches to develop screening and supervision programs that include policies, forms, procedures, and training for all who work with children—paid staff and volunteers alike. Brotherhood Mutual gets you started, with free articles, checklists, guidebooks, and more.
- Safeguarding Against Sexual Abuse Checklist: https://www.brotherhoodmutual.com/resources/safety-library/risk-management-forms/safeguarding-against-sexual-abuse-checklist/
- Your church should have a policy requiring criminal background checks for anyone who interacts with the congregation’s children/teens.

- Preventing Sexual Abuse Training: https://ministrysafe.com/mwbc/
- Learn how to protect children from sexual abuse with an effective SAFETY SYSTEM.

- Creating the Capable Guardian Training: https://ecap.net/teliosoffer/
- Child abuse in the church leaves deep emotional scars on its victims that can cripple them for a lifetime. But it is preventable. “Creating the Capable Guardian” is a 26 minute course that teaches your staff and volunteers to keep out would-be offenders, make safe potential victims, and to turn your entire organization into a capable guardian that is on the watch against evil.

- Becoming a Church that Cares Well for the Abused: https://churchcares.com/
- We believe every church must be equipped to respond well in the initial stages of learning about instances of sexual, physical, or emotional abuse. That is why we created Becoming a Church that Cares Well for the Abused. This training curriculum of a handbook, an introductory video, and 12 lesson videos brings together top experts from various fields to help leaders understand and implement the best practices for handling the variety of abuse scenarios at church, school, or ministry.

- Take the Caring Well Challenge: https://www.caringwell.com/
- Churches should be a refuge for those who have experienced abuse. But, too often, survivors haven’t found the protection they deserve and the care they need from the church. Are you ready to join us in changing that?

To report an instance of abuse in a Southern Baptist church or entity, call 202-864-5578. Survivors will be notified of the available options for care and will be put in touch with an advocate. All information will remain confidential.