Caroline Anderson

Den and Dimi are Ukrainian refugees displaced by the war between Ukraine and Russia. Caroline Anderson met their family during the height of the conflict when refugees poured over the borders to Romania. This family found refuge in a Baptist church.

The church offered support on many levels: food, safety, counseling, and some even gave up their own mattresses so families like Den and Dimi’s had something to sleep on at the church. They shared the love of Jesus both verbally and through action. 

While the boys’ parents were not Christians, the missionary and local believers poured into them and helped to get them connected with another church in the country they were immigrating to. These connections are vital for re-establishing life away from the war, and allow for the body of Christ to continue gospel conversations.

The Cooperative Program (CP) takes the Gospel to the nations and the neighborhoods. Your financial support through the Cooperative Program strengthens missionaries so that they can spread the Gospel around the world.

Pray that God would strengthen, protect, and give peace to families like Den and Dimi’s for the glory of God.