Benjamin Breeg 

As representatives of the International Mission Board, the Breegs focus exclusively on reaching academics and religious leaders in Central Asia for Christ. Those they try to reach are some of the smartest yet most hostile toward the gospel.  

They do ministry as a family because sharing Christ together is a powerful way to model God’s love. The people where they live place a high value on family and children. Seeing the Breegs as a family gives their friends the freedom to talk about more than just a lecture – it creates a platform to meet their families, have meals together, and fellowship in homes. 

Some names may have been changed for security reasons. 

The Cooperative Program (CP) takes the Gospel to the nations and the neighborhoods. Your financial support through the Cooperative Program strengthens missionaries so that they can spread the Gospel around the world. 

Pray that God would continue to soften the hearts of those hostile toward the Gospel as the Breeg family ministers to them.